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* Section 3 Unit 2 Unit 2 比较结构(comparative construction) Translate the following sentences: 1.这间屋子和那间一样大。 2.这间屋子不如那间大。 3 这间屋子比那间大。 4这间屋子是所有房子中最大的。 This room is as large as that one. This room is not as large as that one. This room is larger than that one. This room is less large than that one. This room is the largest among all the rooms. as +形容词/副词的原级+ as not/never + as/so +形容词/副词的原级+as 比较级:--er more/less +than… IV. the +最高级+比较范围(in/of/among) 最高级否定形式是be+not+最高级吗? 通常由形容词的反义词构成 eg: 这是五本书中用处最少的一本。 This is the least useful book of/among the five books 注意: 1).形容词/副词的比较级前可以加表示程度 的状语,以形成强意比较,做这种状语的词 通常有: Much, many, even, still, rather, yet, a lot, a great deal, far, by far, any, a little, a bit, hardly, slightly, twice, three times(倍数)等 Eg. John is much stronger than Bob. He is three inches taller than his brother. He feels far better. He feels the better by far. 2).最高级前可加序数词,或by far, nearly, almost,next,not quite,not nearly Eg. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. The Pacific is by far the largest Ocean in the world. Tian Anmen square is nearly the biggest square I have ever been to. 3).It is the most interesting story I’ve read. It is a most interesting story. 形容词最高级前加不定冠词a(an),表示“非常” 4)副词的最高级前的the可以省略。 Of all the boys he came (the)earliest. 5).常用的由 as+adj.+as构成的惯用词组: 冰冷 洁白如雪 红似火 黑如碳 快似闪电 轻如鸿毛 as busy as a bee 一贫如洗 as cold as ice as white as snow as red as fire as black as coal as quick as lightening as light as feather 忙忙碌碌 as poor as a church mouse 6).用比较级或原级表示最高级 例如:1 Mary比她班里其他的女孩都高。 Mary is taller than anyone else/any of the other girls/any other girl in her class. 2. 中国比其他任何一个亚洲国家都大。 China is larger than any other country in Asia 3.中国比任何一个非洲国家都大。 China is larger than any country in Africa. 4. Never…such/so+原级+n. 我从未见过这么好的小狗。 I have never seen such a good dog. 7).no/never/nothing…+比较级 Nothing is more valuable th


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