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* * Welcome to Google Larry Page Sergey Brin Larry is responsible for Googles day-to-day-operations, as well as leading the companys product development and technology strategy.From 2001 to 2011, Larry was president of products. Sergey co-founded Google Inc.Today, he directs special projects. From 2001 to 2011, Sergey served as president of technology. 1995 Larry and Sergey meet at Stanford. ( Larry , 22, a U Michigan grad, is considering the school; Sergey, 21, is assigned to show him around.) 1996 Larry and Sergey, now Stanford computer science grad students, begin collaborating on a search engine called BackRub. BackRub operates on Stanford servers for more than a year–eventually taking up too much bandwidth to suit the university. 1997 Larry and Sergey decide that the BackRub search engine needs a new name. After some brainstorming, they go with Google–a play on the word “googol”, a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. 拉里和塞吉决定为 BackRub 搜索引擎重新命名。经过一番集思广益,他们 选择了 Google,这个词源自数学术语“googol”,表示数字 1 后面带 100 个零。 1998 Google files for incorporation in California on 4 September. 谷歌 公司于 9 月 4 日在美国加利福尼亚州注册成立。 In 2006, Google introduced its website Google.cn Kai-Fu Lee assumed power in Google China business, he resigned from 2009 and Liu Yun took over Google in china. Datas show, Google in Chinas Internet search market accounted for 30% of the share, but Baidu is 60%. 2006年,谷歌推出了其中文网站Google.cn.李开复执掌谷歌中国业务,他于2009年离任.刘允接管了google. 有数据显示,谷歌在中国的网络搜索市场约占30%的份额,而百度为60%. On the 23rd of March, Googles Senior Vice President again accused China of hacking problem and announced that it stopped filter review on Google search services, and shifted the search service from the Mainland to Hong Kong. 3月23日,谷歌公司高级副总裁再次借黑客攻击问题指责中国,宣布停止对谷歌中国搜索服务的“过滤审查”,并将搜索服务由中国内地转至香港。 Google is not only known for Google search, but the list of Google products constitutes of large number of remarkable products and services.


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