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xxxxxxxxx 大 学 外语学院学士学位论文 Analysis on the Development of Chinese Marriage Custom 浅析中国婚俗的发展 姓名 xxx 年级:xxx级 学号: xxxxx 指导教师姓名和职称: xxxx 讲师 申请学位级别: 学 士 专业名称: 英语专业提交论文时间: 年 月 论文答辩时间: 年 月 学位授予单位: xxxxx 学位授予日期: _______________ 答辩委员会主席:_______________ 评阅人:_______________ xxxxxx 外语学院 年 月 日 浅析中国婚俗的发展 摘要:人的历史,国家的历史,从一定意义上说便是婚姻的历史。无论是在制度意义上还是私人情感生活意义上,它都是家庭的基本单位,从而构成了人类社会。婚姻于人类,其重要性几乎超过了任何一种社会现象。它在受文化深刻影响的同时也全面的反应了社会文化。中国是一个拥有自己文明和悠久历史的国度,因而它具备很多独特的风俗习惯。其中婚俗从古至今历经了多元长期的发展,这一发展从古代复杂的婚礼仪式发展到现代自由的婚礼形式。本文将通过研究中国婚俗的发展来研究中国中国文化的发展状况及未来的发展轨迹。中国是一个多民族国家,本文将会集中探索汉族的婚俗轨迹。本文的目的亦有,人们应当尊重自己的国家的文化传统。 关键词:文化;婚俗;变迁 Analysis on the Development of Chinese Marriage Custom Abstract: The history of human being and a nation, in some terms, is a history of marriage custom. Because no matter in personal aspect or in institutional aspect, it can act as the foundation stone of family, which is the smallest component part of society. The importance of wedding is beyond any other social phenomenon. It reflects a nation’s culture; meanwhile, it is influenced greatly by culture. China is a country with ancient civilization, a long history and many customs. The wedding custom goes through various and long stages of development from ancient complex ceremony to the modern free marriage custom. This paper will study the development of wedding ceremony in China to find the tendency and actuality of the civilization of the whole society. In China these are many nationalities. This paper will focus on Han nationality’s marriage custom. This paper will also propose that people should respect the civilization of their own nation. Key words: culture; wedding custom; tendency Analysis on the Development of Chinese Marriage Custom Introduction As a union of man and woman and a family formation stage, marriage includes not only being married but also the culture signif


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