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How young blood might help reverse aging? Tony Wyss-Coray content The story of Fountain of Youth 1 The experiments of Old mice 2 The blood which connects all the tissues 3 The affect of plasma and saline 4 The conclusion and the thought 5 The story of Fountain of Youth Lucas Cranach ,16th century the ancient coin,Yuan Dynasty The story of Fountain of Youth Alexander the Great 秦始皇 Qin Shi Huang where is it ? The experiments of Old mice The old mice that share a blood supply with young mice can get rejuvenated. The livers,the heart of the old muscle can be be rejuvenated. The blood which connects all the tissues that blood carry cells that transport oxygen, for example, the red blood cells, or fights infectious diseases. hormone-like factors that transport information from one cell toanother, fromone tissue to another,including the brain. The affect of plasma and saline as before rejuvenescent young human plasma saline The treatment to Alzheimers (阿茨海默症)patients They are running a small clinical study at Stanford, where we treat Alzheimers patients with mild disease with a pint of plasma from youngvolunteers, 20-year-olds, and do this once a week for four weeks, and then we look at their brains with imaging. The conclusion and the thought Find new way to improve our body. Produce these factors synthetically . Treat diseases of aging, such as Alzheimers disease or other dementias. Efficiency comes from diligence. In shortage in the play ground transportation into Si, was destroyed by the idler. So is Medicine (业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思而毁于惰.医学也是如此) Thank you!


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