英语depression 课件.ppt

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英语depression 课件

What do those people feel? Depression DEPRESSION PRESSURE MISTAKE BAD LUCK FAILURE Reasons PRESSURE BAD LUCK MISTAKES FAILURE 2 BAD LUCK symtoms PRESSURE Under pressure, people always feel anxious and restless, when it lasts long,the spirit of people will break down and feel depressed BAD LUCK Bad luck is also a major factor of depression, people who is in bad luck will easily drop theirselves and lose hope MISTAKE When people make mistakes, they will feel nervous and guilty,thus making them have shadow in mind and be afraid of going on. FAILURE When we fail to do something because of our shortcomings or something else. Having no help with it well easily lose heart and be depressed. Symtoms Symtoms lose heat sigh low spirit have no confidence want to escape from reality blame themselves How can we cope with depression? treatments treatments At first,we should treat those problems correctly, and bounce back as soon as possible. Those problems make us depressed, though, and in the other side, they can always help us grow up.So,we can face the depression positively. treatments Enough relax when you feel depressed, youd better have a good rest and relax yourself as much as possible, thus making yourself feel better. treatments Do some entertainments forget everything,and just do what you like, what you want , trying to be absorbed in something else and distract your attention . Having a vaction is a good choice. Depression is not terrible, we should be brave to face it, deal with it correctly. And the most important is that we should keep a positive attitude.


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