英语ppt 美国独立日(英文版).ppt

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英语ppt 美国独立日(英文版)

Independence day of the United States is one of the major festivals, the date for the annual July 4th, to commemorate the July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress in Philadelphia formally adopted the Declaration of independence. Celebration Early independence day celebrations are mainly demonstrations and lectures, and with some religious overtones. Later increased outdoor activities, sports competitions and other projects. Firecrackers, fireworks activities were also very popular, in twentieth Century before being cancelled, to prevent the occurrence of danger. Historical review The United States is located in southern North america. In seventeenth Century to eighteenth Century before half period, the British along the Atlantic coast of North America established 13 colonies, and strengthen the colonial oppression and exploitation of people, arouse the local people and the bourgeoisie. On 1775,13 North American colonies began to lift the overthrow of British colonial rule in the war of independence, formed the Continental, by the Washington commander-in-chief. In July 4, 1776, adopted the Declaration of independence, officially established the United States of america. Summer festival July 4th is independence day in america. To this day, jubilation of the whole nation,10000fun, represent the American peoples patriotic enthusiasm. From the east coast to the west coast, held a grand celebration and parade, through performance, entertainment, sports, salute, bells, fireworks and decorate, to celebrate the day. Speeching Elected officials and public figures often use the July 14th Independence Day speech celebrating occasions, the United States of America traditions and values. Parading The American people are always in a variety of ways to express a festive. For example, parade, fireworks, held a variety of outdoor art show, ordinary Americans are also very happy to participate in. Patriotic spirit In the United States is not a patriotic slogan, she is buried in t


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