英语Period 5 Using Language.ppt

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英语Period 5 Using Language

What do you think Elisa will think about Henry Higgins’s remarks about the fact that he can change her into an elegant lady by teaching her proper English? Making the bet (Act Two, Scene I) 1. What is this part of the play mainly about? 2. Why does Eliza go to visit Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering? 3. How much does Eliza offer Henry Higgins if he teaches her? 4. What kind of life can you infer from what she says when she refuses to have a bath? 1. What is this part of the play mainly about? It is mainly about Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering making a bet on teaching Eliza. 2. Why does Eliza go to visit Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering? Eliza comes to visit Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering in order to let them teach her to speak well. 3. How much does Eliza offer Henry Higgins if he teaches her. Eliza only offers him one shilling an hour. 4. What kind of life can you infer from what she says when she refuses to have a bath? We can infer that Eliza lives a miserable life. She knows little about her personal hygiene and even has never had a bath in her life. Things that need to changed How to make the changes 1. Eliza’s clothes 2. Eliza’s hygiene 3. Eliza’s behavior 4. Her language: ★ grammar ★ pronunciation ★ use of appropriate language (eg no swearing) 1. Buy new ones 2. Give her baths 3. Learn how to walk and behave in upper class social activities 4. Have lessons to help her with all three problems: ★ learn the rules ★ practice repeating words till correct ★ learn socially safe topics to discuss What aspects of Elisa does Mr. Henry Higgins think should be changed? How to? Discussion 1. I wanna be a lady in a flower shop’ stead o’selling flowers in the street. 2. Now yer talking. You wouldn’t have the face to ask me f


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