英语j教学法教案(teaching reading).pptx

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英语j教学法教案(teaching reading)

Reading;;How do we read;The nature of reading ;What do we read?; effective readers do following things: ;principles for teaching reading ;;;;;Skimming ;; QUESTION 1. Why the queen want to kill Snow-white ? 2. Where snow-white hide? (It’s about the reading you teaching.) EXPOLOITING 1. Do you like Snow-white? 2. Why do you like the Snow-white? (it’s about students own thoughts);KEY WORDS. Writing SUCH AS: SUCH AS: Poisonous apple Writing something Queen based on the character King or the text what they Seven Dwarfs have read . Hunter Magic mirror ; Gap-filling The queen give snow white an( apple )and make the snow white dead?; DOMONSTRATION TITLE:A SON TO BE PROUD OF Q1.(pre-reading) 1.Guess why the son can be proud of? Q2.(while-reading) 1.What was Yusof doing when the accident happened? 2.Why didn’t Yusof help his mother? 3.How old was Yusof? Q3.(post-reading)DISCUSSION 1.do you agree that Rahman should be proud of his son? ;conclusion;Ⅰ、The nature of reading Ⅱ、Three models Bottom –up model Top-down model Interactive model Ⅲ 、Three stages ⅰ、Pre-reading activities Predicting Setting the scene Skimming Scanning ;ⅱ、While-reading activities Transition device Comprehension questions Understanding references and making inferences ⅲ、Post-reading activities Discussion questions Reproducing the text Gap-filling Role play;


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