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Either travel, either reading, body and soul, there must be a way. 要么读书,要么旅行,身体和灵魂总有一个在路上;First soul resort----Guilin Grand place with good mountains and waters landscape ; ;;;What attract us in Guilin is not only their beautiful natural scenery, but also something others,such as Guilin’s various delicacies ([del?k?s?],佳肴) and the colorful Nightlife .;Guilin Nightlife ;East of the Li River, Seven Star Park derives from the Seven Star Cave, is one kilometer away from the downtown. It occupies more than 40 hectares([hekte?; -ɑ?] ,公顷), which is the largest, most beautiful multiple park in Guilin. The park boasts of the green hills, crystal ([kr?st(?)l],清澈的)water, fantastic caves and beautiful rocks. ;Second soul resort -----ZhangJiajie a place that we are dreamming of;Wulingyuan with peaks, rocks, valleys, Silk, famous cave, there is the first Church Hill reputation. Wulingyuan Scenic Area, made up of the First National Forest Park--Zhangjiajie and two nature sights Suoxi Gully(索溪峪 ) ([g?l?])and Emperor Mountain(天子山). In these place pavilions(亭), bridges, caves, lakes and waterfalls are everywhere. ;Wulingyuan;天门吐雾;The old town of Fenghuang (凤凰古城) ;Third soul resort----Lijiang;; It is 20 meters high .It has 24 eaves in its three layers, as if five colorful phoenixes ([‘fi?n?ks],凤凰) are spreading its wings to welcome people all around the world. And it is why it is called the name. Baisha residential buildings. ;;The crystal water that flows into the Old town originated from the spring in the Black Dragon Pool. When it reaches the Jade Bridge in front of the main entrance of the Old town, it splits into three different streams: the western, middle and eastern stream. These three


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