英语人教版必修三 unit 2 healthy eating复习.ppt

英语人教版必修三 unit 2 healthy eating复习.ppt

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英语人教版必修三 unit 2 healthy eating复习

;1. diet n. 日常饮食 vi. 节食 dieter 节食者 a healthy/balanced diet go on a diet she is always dieting but she never seems to lose any weight. 2. spaghetti n. 意大利面 3. nut n. 坚果 (口语)怪人,疯子 4. muscle n.肌肉 5. protective adj. 给予保护的 over-protective protection protect;6. bean n. 豆,豆科植物 7. pea n. 豌豆 like peas in a pod 8. cucumber n. 黄瓜 as cool as a cucumber 9. eggplant n. 茄子 10. pepper n. 胡椒粉;辣椒 11. mushroom n. 蘑菇 12. peach n. 桃子 13. lemon n. 柠檬;14. balance vt. 平衡,权衡 n. 天平,平衡 adj. balanced balance work and relaxation = keep a balance between ... keep ones balance on balance 总的来说 15. barbecue vt. n. 烧烤 16. mutton n. 羊肉 mutton dressed as lamb mutton chops 山羊胡 17. kebab / kebob n. 烤羊肉串 18. roast adj. 烤制的 vt vi 烤,烘烤 oven n. 烤箱,烤炉 19. bacon n. 培根,腊肉 ;20. stir vt. 摇动,搅和;打动,激发,被唤起 stir the tea stir the rice with vegetables stir sb. up to do = encourage sb. to do sth. stir sth. up 挑起事端 stir up trouble stir-fry vt. 用旺火炒 21. sign n. 牌示,标记,符号,告示;示意 vt. 签字;签约;向……示意 sign up for 报名参加…… 22. lose weight put up weight lose heart/ lose interest in doing/ lose face/ lose ones job 23. slim adj. 苗条的;纤细的;细微的 vi. 变细;减肥 a slimming restaurant a slim chance of success slim down 减肥,精简(机构),裁剪(人员) ;24. curiosity n. 好奇心 adj. 好奇的 show curiosity about sth. out of curiosity curiosity is/was aroused Curiosity killed the cat. be curious about sth. /to do sth. It was curious that... 25. raw adj. 生的;未加工的;无经验的 raw matirial/ a raw beginner a raw deal 不公平的待遇 life in the raw 真实的生活 26. vinegar n. 醋 27. sb. get away with sth. /doing sth. 某人(做坏事)不受惩罚 get away (from) 离开;脱身;28. lie n. 谎言 vi. 说谎 lied lied tell a lie lie (to sb.) (about sth.) She lied about her age. lie through your teeth 满口谎言;睁眼说瞎话 29. discount n. 折扣 get/g


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