英语八年级下册冀教版:Lesson 53 Ringing up Li Ming.ppt

英语八年级下册冀教版:Lesson 53 Ringing up Li Ming.ppt

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英语八年级下册冀教版:Lesson 53 Ringing up Li Ming

Lesson 53: Ringing up Li Ming学.科.网 New words ring up 打电话 England n. 英国 Read and answer Why does Brain ring up Li Ming? He wants to ask Li Ming some questions for his report on Asia. Who answers the phone when Brain calls? Li Ming’s mother What does “ring up” means? Call on the phone. Language points .Jenny, I would like to ask Li Ming some questions for my report on Asia. 詹妮,我想问李明一些关于亚洲报告的问题。 on prep. 关于;论及。 如:a lesson on history历史课 【辨析】: 表示 “关于”的on与about on表示严肃的或学术性的,是供专门研究的用的。如: a book on medicine一本关于医学方面的书 about表示内容较普通,不太正式的。 如:a book for children about Africa and its people一本供儿童阅读的关于非洲和非洲人的书 He says some things a little differently from us. 他说的事情和我们有些不同。 differently adv. 不同地,修饰动词,在句中作状语。如:He says something a little differently from us. 他说的一些事情和我们的不一样。 【衔接】 1) adj. different不同的。在句中作表语或定语。如: Different trees bear different fruits. 什么样的树结什么样的果。 2) n. difference差异;差别。如: There are many differences between the two languages. 这两种语言之间有许多不同之处。 …this is Li Ming speaking. 我是李明。 这是打电话常用语。表达“我是……”。一般不说 “I am…”,而说:This is…或者It is… 友情提示: “你是谁”可表达为:Who’s that (speaking)? “您是……吗?”可表达为:Is that …(speaking)? What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么……? 相似的表达法: Can I help you? 我能为你帮忙吗? Can I do anything for you? 我能为你做点什么? Homework Listen and read the dialogue again. Finish your activity book Make up a telephone dialogue and act it. Learning Aims:学习目标 Master: ring /rang/ rung, ring up Practice: the dialogue Using: Make a telephone call. 2. 你是……吗? Is it/this/that …(speaking)? 3. 是的,我是…… Yes, (this/it is) …(speaking). 4. 不是。恐怕他/她这会儿不在。 No, it isn’t. 5. 请问,我可以和……讲话吗? Can/May/Could I (please) speak to …, please? 6. 当然可以。 请稍等。 Certainly/Sure/Of course. Hold on, please./Please wait a moment/minute. 7. 我想找Tom接电话。 1. 你是谁? Who is it/this/that? Functions: Making Telephone Calls I’m afraid he/she isn’t here at the moment/right now. Hello! I’d like to speak to Tom. 8. 我可以给你捎个信吗? Can I take a message for you? 9. 我会给他再打电话的。 I will ring him up again. Language notes: I would like to ask


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