英语二Unit1Date and appointment.ppt

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英语二Unit1Date and appointment

Communicative Activities—Speaking Task 1 Pair work Suppose you are a secretary. Work with your partner and make an appointment for the client (your partner) and your boss. You may use the functional expressions listed above and the skills provided in Text B as well. The following conversation is also for your reference. Communicative Activities—Speaking Task 2 Pair work Work with a partner. Suppose you haven’t seen your partner for ages. You try to invite him/her to have a lunch together this Friday. He/She would love to go, but he/she is very busy then. So he/she suggests another time and finally you two agree on the time and place. Enjoy English Proverbs Song Enjoy English—Proverbs and Quotes A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. ------ George Bernard Shaw 初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。 ------ 乔治?肖伯纳 Enjoy English—Proverbs and Quotes To really understand a man, we must judge him in misfortune. ------ Bonaparte Napoleon 要真正了解一个人,需在不幸中考察他。 ------ 波拿巴?拿破仑 * Grammar Focus—Grammatical Points 不定式,如:Have you anything to say on this project? 副词,如:They live in the room above. 介词短语,如:The lady with a fan is an actress. 分词短语:如:The woman talking with your mother is our new teacher. 从句,如:This is the only book I have at the moment. Grammar Focus—Grammatical Points 6.状语:状语用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。状语的主要类别如下: 时间状语,如:I usually get up at six in the morning. 地点状语,如:Mary will see me off at the airport tomorrow. 条件状语,如:We will miss the train unless we set out now. 方式状语,如:She acted as if nothing had happened. Grammar Focus—Grammatical Points 程度状语,如:He is not so active as before. 原因状语,如:Tom is absent today because he is ill. 结果状语,如:We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door. 目的状语,如:He stood on a chair in order to reach the top shelf. 让步状语,如:Although the ground was covered with snow, the crippled man managed to walk to his office. Grammar Focus—Grammatical Points 7.补语:亦称补足语,在句子中起补充说明的作用。补语可分为宾语补语和


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