英语专业 综合英语 2015Unit2.ppt

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英语专业 综合英语 2015Unit2

Unit2 Watch the video and answer the following questions. How is the “getting through the door” movement understood by many people? Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 1 Audiovisual supplement Cultural information Many view this apparently light-hearted tussle as a sign that Arafat and Barak were getting on well. Arafat and Barak are struggling to get through the door after the other party in order to show “I am in control”. 2. What is the hidden message behind the scene? Body language is very important, but often complex and easily misunderstood. 3. What does this story tell us? Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 2 Audiovisual supplement Cultural information From Secret of Body Language Voiceover: But body language is often complex, and easily misunderstood. Here, President Clinton leads the Israeli and Palestinian leaders Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat up before the press during peace negotiations. It’s all smiles for the cameras, but behind the façade of bonhomie温和,友好, there’s a power struggle going on. Clinton jokingly explains that none of them will take any questions. Clinton: We promise to each other we will answer no question and offer no comments, so I have to set a good example. Voiceover: The body language then reveals just why that works. Expert A: Wow. It’s almost a physical fight. Video Script1 Audiovisual supplement Cultural information Voiceover: Many view this apparently light-hearted tussle 扭打,争斗as a sign that Arafat and Barak were getting on well. Think again. Expert A: There is a great meaning behind who goes through the door first. Now of course here in the West, letting someone through the door first doesn’t really matter. Polite maybe. But in the Middle East, it has significant cultural impact. Expert B: The host, the power person, says, “I’m in control. I’ll help you through the door. I’ll show you the


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