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was full of leapt out of hurried was raining heavily -they-stream-formed in the field wound its way across right- Exercise 1d 2c 3d 4d 5d 6b 7a 8d 9d 10c 11c 12c What is camping? Camping is an outdoor activity. Useful expressions about camping camper [k?mp?] 露营者 campground [k?mpɡr?und] 野营地,露营场所 What do we have to take when we go camping? Camping equipment first aid kit 急救用品 tent [tent]帐篷 hammer [h?m?]锤子 sleeping bag 睡袋 blanket [bl??kit] 毯子 folding chair flashlight [fl??,lait]手电筒 hiking boot tent /tent/ n.帐篷 搭起一个帐篷 put up a tent 拆开帐篷 Put down a tent field /fi:ld/ n.田地、田野 在田野中间 in the middle of the field 在广场中央 In the center of the square in the middle在中间 In the center 在中心 Smell link.v Smell+adj. The cake smells good. Feel,sound,look The idea sounds good. campfire n.营火,篝火 在篝火旁边 by the campfire sleeping bag 睡袋 睡袋温暖又舒适 The sleeping bag is warm and comfortable. leap /li:p/ (leapt/lept/, leapt) v.跳跃 从地面向上跳起 跳出睡袋 leap out of the sleeping bag 跳 Jump(v.)---“跳”,“跃”。普通用语。泛指从地面跳起,或从一平面跳下。 They jumped for joy when they heard the news. 他们听到这消息,高兴得跳了起来。 Leap(v.)---“跳起”,“跳跃”。指连跑带跳,有姿势轻快活泼和优美之意。是书面语。 The young deer were leaping about in the meadow. 小鹿在草地上到处跳跃。 Skip(v.)---“跳”,“跃”。指轻快灵巧的跳跃,比如孩子们或小动物的欢蹦乱跳。 Girls like to skip rope. 女孩喜欢跳绳。 Form n. 表格,形式 Fill in the forms Formal adj.正式的,表面上的 反义:informal stream /stri:m/ n.小溪 在田野上小溪已经形成 A stream has formed in the field. wind /waind/ (wound/waund/, wound)v.蜿蜒 蜿蜒穿过田野 蜿蜒而行 wind across the field wind one’s way The road winds its way. tent field form creep soundly campfire wonderful heavily Words leap comfortable sleeping bag smell stream wind right Key structures-过去式 1 句子中没有具体的过去时间,但是根据上下文有过去的意思 He is no longer the man he was. 2 表示死去的人 --Who is the man in the picture? --It was Tom. Key structures-过去式 3 表示一种情绪 I heard it ! 我已经听到了!(你不用再喊了) I told you so. 我早告诉你了。(你就是不听) Key structures-过去式 4 不规则动词变化 cost Cut Learn Hear Spend Bring Buy Stand understand Cost- c


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