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Chapter 15 American History (I) (1600-1900) contents Discovery of the New World The Colonial Period The War of Independence A New Form of Government The War of 1812 Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement The Civil War Rapid Growth of Capitalism after the Civil War I. Discovery of the New World Think about the following questions. 1. Who are the original American people? 2. Do you know where the name “America” came from? First Americans: Indians. No one knows just how or when they got to what is now the United States. Some scientist think that they crossed from Asia on the land bridge that once connected Siberia and Alaska. continental drift hypothesis (大陆漂移假说) How the continents formed in cartoon 2. Discovery: ①1492, Columbus reached some small islands in the now West Indies, and didn’t know he had discovered a New Continent; ②Amerigo proved that the land was not India, but a new continent. Therefore, the land was named America after him. Amerigo Vespucci 韦斯普奇号 Amerigo Vespucci II. The Colonial Period 1. 13 colonies: 1607-1733 (first colony was founded at Jamestown ,Virginia in 1607). 2. Why people want to move to the distant land ? Reasons: ①opportunity for better life: a. nobles; b. workman; c. poor and homeless. ②religious freedom: Pilgrim are artisans(手艺人,工匠) and peasants (a. 1620 Mayflower; b. Thanksgiving day); Puritans are wealthy, well-educated gentlemen (In March 1630, the great Puritan migration began..) Pilgrims signing the Mayflower Compact 3. Puritan tradition, good for capitalism. 4. Features became American character: representative form of government, rule of law, respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and individual enterprise. Ⅲ.The War of Independence 1. Reason: ①colonists –more power. ②British government: a. control; b. more taxes (Stamp Tax 印花税 ). ③immediate cause: Boston Tea Party. a. reason: The British government allowed the company to sell tea at a lower price in the colonies through its own


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