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brainstorm history comedy action Film science-fiction cartoon biography crime adventure horror drama tragedy 1. Knowledge and ability(知识与能力) To learn a story about Frankenstein’s monster. To master some important vocabularies and sentences, such as creature, resemble, wrinkled, chase, etc. 2. Process and approaches (过程与方法) Combine self-learning and group discussion 3. Emotion and values(情感与价值观) Be kind and friendly to others and dont judge people from their appearances. Learning aims Read Part 1 and finish the following questions: 1. How did Frankenstein create the monster? (No more than 8 words) 2. Why did Frankenstein decide to destroy the monster? (No more than 15 words) 3. Ending: Frankenstein ________ the monster ___________ destroy him.Finally, They were both _______. By using bones from dead bodies. Because the monster was too ugly, terrifying and murdered many people . Using bones from dead bodies, he creats a creature that resembles a human being and gives it life. a living thing, real or imaginary, which can move around... The creature, which is very large and strong,and is also extremely ugly, terrifies anyone who sees it. chased in order to dead A. The monster became a creature from Frankenstein’s worst nightmare. B. Frankenstein regretted having created the monster. C. The outlook of the monster. D. The monster came into being. Part 2 Para.1 Para.2 Para.4 Para.3 Read Para.1 of Part 2 Translate and analyse the structures of the sentences. 1. It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time. 2. Feeling very anxious, I prepared the equipment that would give life to the thing that lay at my feet. It was that 我是在11月一个寒冷的晚上首次看到我的作品的。 感到非常的紧张,我准备好了能够给于躺在我脚边的这个东西生命的设备。 句子仿写:感到非常的开心,他朝着离家不远的超市跑去。 _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Feeling very happy, he ran to the supermarket that / which is not far from his house. Read Para.2 of Part 2 Describe the monster, usin


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