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衢州一中2014秋高二上学期英语开学检测试题(附答案) 第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 单项选择 (20分,每题1分) Before making your speech ,you’d better ______your thoughts and ideas collect B gather C get D prepare The student had no other choice but_____ his teacher _____the mistake he had made . A to apologize to ; for B to apologize ; for C apologizing for ; to D to apologize for ; for 3. Having said farewell to their friends, they _____ for home . A set in B set on C set down D set off 4. He limits himself ___ drinking three cups of beer a day. A. in B for C to D on 5.The news about the fire is followed by a detailed report which was made ____. A. on sight B on the spot C off the spot D on spot 6.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high-rise is that you can get a good _____ . A sight B scene C view D look 7.______of money _____spent on that project. A A plenty ; was B Large amounts ;was C Large numbers ; was D Large amounts ; were 8.After a long journey ____ through Arabic countries , he returned to the motherland. A wondering B wondered C wandering D wandered 9.That’s the best way you thought of ______into dangerous areas. A. preventing people to get B to prevent people getting C preventing people getting D to prevent to get 10.The custom of arranged marriages still ____in many countries A. exists B appears C lives D lies 11.---Would you permit me _____here ? -----Sorry . We don’t permit ____here in the reading room. A smoking; smoking B to smoke ; to smoke C smoking ; to smoke D to smoke ; smoking 12.---What does the model plane look like ? ----Well, the wings of the plane are_____ of its body. A more than the length twice B twice more than the length C more than twice the length D more twice than the length 13.On the contrary , I think it is Truman, _____you , _____ to blame. A more than; are B less than ; who are C rather than ; that is D rather than ; is 14.Please go ______ th


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