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冀教版小学五年级英语说课课件 二道渠寄宿制小学 蔡永平 Lesson design Say teaching material Teaching goals Teaching method Teaching process Part I. Say teaching material My teaching is the primary school English Hebei teaches the printing plate fifth Unit 3 Lesson 21 How can we go to Beijing? This lesson is about the comparative degree and transportation development class, the two content in front of the middle school students have been contacted, this section of classrooms in the content of the enrichment and deepening of. Especially Li Ming and her mother decided to go to Beijing by train this topic for two books of learning in the train information made a matting. At the same time the unit about travel but also students more like a content. For transport discussion can also arouse the students interest, they are willing to learn and accept. Part II. Teaching goals 1. Knowledge goals: (1)Key words and phrases : airplane,train,fast,slow,faster than,slower than,take a bus,go by plane (2)Key sentences : A train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane. How can we go to Beijing? Let’s go to Beijing by plane. I want to take a bus. 2. Ability goals Students can read the names of the transport . Students can say several express transportation phrases and sentences . Application of comparison to describe things, oral communication. 3. Affective objectives Learn to appreciate their parents earn money not easily, in the selection of traveling for means of transportation. Part III. Teaching important and difficult points 1.Teaching key points: grasp the new words and phrases, will use the comparative dialogue, energy transport and students exchanges 2. Teaching difficult: transportation tools have different ways of expression, the class appeared... Go by plane and take a bus ... To understand different phrase features Part IV. Teaching method 1. Teaching methods: direct teaching method, situational teaching, task teaching 2.


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