莫里森Toni Morrison_.ppt

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莫里森Toni Morrison_

About Beloved Tell us what it is to be a woman so that we may know what it is to be a man. What moves at the margin. What it is to have no home in this place. To be set adrift(漂浮) from the one you knew. What it is to live at the edge of towns that cannot bear your company. (Nobel Lecture, 1993 ) Sethe —the twisted character .The love for Beloved : 1.“要么是爱,要么不是。淡的爱根本就不是爱”, trying to put my babies where they would be safe” ---爱的疯狂 2. the spoiling to Beloved ---爱的畸形,爱的愧疚 社会对女性的戕害 女性畸形的反抗与悲惨的挣扎 The awakening (1899) Golden notebook (1962) The color purple (1982) Beloved (1987) 爱情与欲望的觉醒 导致疯狂的绝望与毁灭 混乱多变的时代下 失重灵魂的探索与追求 压迫与反抗的交织 唤醒真正的信仰与自由 历史与现实的交错 缔造民族文化悲壮史诗 女权主义作品 The Awakening Beloved 强大的社会文化传统 面前,女性的困惑与无奈,以及 难以承受的压抑人性的精神磨难 意识觉醒后的 绝望与毁灭 种族主义的现实暴力和 历史创伤导致人格的分裂 和全民族的记忆缺失 无法摆脱的 创伤与折磨 女性作品对比 The awakening(《觉醒》)---Edna(埃德娜) 平淡无奇 压抑孤寂 裸体自杀 只为涅槃重生 肉体解放 催生深沉思索 邂逅爱情 挑战权威 女性角色对比 “Leonce, go to bed, I meant to stay out here. I don’t intend to. Don’t speak to me like that again; I shall not answer you ” 心理和社会意识的 觉醒赋于挑战权威的力量 The awakening(《觉醒》)---Edna(埃德娜) 平淡无奇 压抑孤寂 裸体自杀 只为涅槃重生 肉体解放 催生深沉思索 邂逅爱情 挑战权威 女性角色对比 She cast the unpleasant, pricking garment from her, and for the first time in her life she stood naked in the open air, at the mercy of the sun, the breeze that beat upon her, and the waves that invited her. How strange and awful it seemed to stand naked under the sky! How delicious! She felt like some new-born creature, opening its eyes in a familiar world that it had never known. She didn’t look back now, but went on and on, thinking of the blue-grass meadow that she had traversed when a little child ,believing that it had no beginning and end. “过去的日子就像在做梦一般但愿可以沉睡不醒,醒来却发现啊,也好,或许醒来终究是比较好的,即使受苦,也总比一生都被幻象所蒙蔽来得好” ( 临死前的宣言) 觉醒的最终意义:宁可醒来 后付出生命的代价也不愿再懵懂地生活下去 Beloved (《宠儿》)— Sethe (塞丝) 塞丝”—非洲文化中的男性神,一般人身,一半鸟身。刚强毅力和自由的代表,希望与自由的化身 女性角色对比 Edna VS Sethe background destiny the theme 2. Racial


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