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创新文化与中国文化创新 创新文化与中国文化创新 张超中, 武夷山 ( 中国科学技术信息研究所, 北京 100038) : 目前, 我国创新文化建设明显滞后, 能适应自主创新的现实需求其基本原因在于: 一方面, 人们没有 意识到 自主创新 本质上是一个文化范畴而 是一般意义上的经济范畴, 另 一方面, 人们对自主创新差序格局 的内在张力认识 够, 旧的创新文化难以解决原创性资源稀缺问题以原创性为中心开展创新文化建设首先需 要创新文化自身的转型, 并需要中国文化创新的支撑在自主创新条件下, 传统文化创新与新型创新文化建设 能够相互为用, 并促进和推动自主创新差序格局的生成 : 自主创新; 创新文化; 差序格局; 原创性; 转型; 中国文化创新 : G 02 : A : 1002- 9753( 20 10) 10 - 0063- 14 The Innovation Cu lture and the N ew D ev elopm en t of Ch inese Cu lture ZHANG Ch ao- zhong, W U Y - shan ( Inst itute of S cien tfi ic and T echn ical Inf ormat ion of Ch ina, B eji ing 100038, Ch ina) A bstrac t: T he construct on o f nnovat on cu lture s lag obv ou sly n Ch na and canno tm eet the need for prom ot ng the n d genou s nnovat on a t present. The reason s tha t people have no t ga ned an ns gh t nto the nd genou s nnovat on and thought t ye t as an econom ca l category nstead o f a cultural catego ry, and thu sm sgu des people cannot unde rstand fu lly the tens on bur ed ns de the d fferen t a l mode o f the nd genou s nnovat on and canno t change the sca rce cond t on o f o r g na t ve. So the prev ou s pattern o f nnovat on culture m ust be rep laced by a new one tha t ho lds the o r g na t ve as a co re dur ng the construct ng w o rk, and the transform a t on o f nnovat on cu lture pattern needs the support from a new de ve lopm ent of Ch nese cu lture. It s expected that bo th the trad t ona l Ch nese culture and the nnov at on cu lture w ll de ve lop to a new stage n order to prom ote the em erg ng o f the d fferent a lm ode o f the nd genou s nnovat on. K ey w ords: nd g enou s nnovat on; nnovat on culture; d ffe rent a l mode o



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