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2008级期末考试试卷(A) 2008 grade final examination paper (A) First, radio questions (1 * 20=20 points). Choose the right answer, the only answer to each question is correct: (20) 1., in our country, the legal system is divided into departments. (1 points) A constitution, criminal law, civil law, administrative law, etc. B the constitution, laws, administrative regulations, local laws and regulations, etc. C constitution, substantive law, procedural law and so on D statute law, customary law, case law, etc. Answer: A 2., socialist morality is consistent with the main aspects of socialist law, embodied in (1 points) Essential features of A B adjustment range C implementation safeguards D regulation mode Answer: A 3., the basic way to translate the ideal into reality is (1 points) A studies science theory seriously B firmly establishes scientific beliefs C takes an active part in social practice D has the spirit of innovation and development Answer: C 4. patriotism contains three basic aspects. (1 points) A emotions, pursuits, obligations B ideas, obligations, pursuits C emotions, thoughts, obligations D emotion, behavior, thought Answer: D 5., the fundamental embodiment of the value of life is (1 points) A personal satisfaction with self needs B individual contributions to society and creativity C social values combined with personal values D societys respect for and satisfaction of the individual Answer: B 6., Yuan Longping academicians super hybrid rice research results, not only to solve the problem of Chinese people eating, promoting the use of the world, to feed more than 30 million people each year, he has received numerous honors and awards. This explains (1 points) A. the value of man is in himself The external yardstick of Bs life value is the respect and satisfaction of the society to the individual C the realization of the social value of life is always at the expense of self sacrifice D self values in life must be combined with social values and expressed through


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