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Book 3 Unit4 words and expressions导学案 【】【】 【】【Self- study】 Task1.read the new words and pay attention to the pronunciation. Task2. 1. harmful adj. 有害的 harmless adj 无害的 harm nv 损害,危害 词组:be harmful to 对……有害 do harm to sb=do sb harm对某人有害 It is obvious that drinking too much is harmful to health. 翻译:__________________________ It wouldn’t do any harm to him to work harder. 翻译:_________________________________ This drug is completely harmless to people. 翻译:____________________________________ 【活学活用】 吸烟有害健康。________________________________________________________________ 2.exist v 存在,生存,维持生活 词组:exist on 靠……为生 come into existence 开始存在,成立 There exists/existed …… 某地有……,存在…… He could barely exist on such a low wage. 拿着这样微薄的收入,他只能勉强糊口。 【活学活用】 (1)___________always __________ (存在)a force of attraction between two bodies. (2)It can’t be true that he can _______________(靠……为生)5yuan a week. (3)That word doesn’t ___________(存在) in Chinese. (4)Fish can’t _______________________________(离开谁就不能生存) (5)When did the world ___________________________(开始产生)? 3. unlike prep. 不同,不像 adj 不同的,不相似的 unlikely adv 不可能地 be likely to do sth 有可能做某事 be unlikely to do sth没可能做某事 【活学活用】 (1)这趟火车有可能晚点。The train _____________________be late. (2)他不太可能通过考试。He ___________________________the exam. 4.puzzle v 使迷惑,使为难 n 难题,谜 puzzling adj 令人困惑的(主语是物) puzzled adj 感到困惑的(主语是人) 【活学活用】 (1)I was _____________(不知道)how to solve the problem (2)The question is _________________(令人困惑的)to me. 5. pull v 拉;拖;牵引力 A horse pulled the cart along the road. 一匹马拉着打车沿着大路走。 拆毁;推毁;推翻 pull down 抢到前头 pull ahead 火车进站,到站 pull in 火车离站,撤离 pull out 把车靠在路边 pull over 使停下 pull up 【活学活用】 (1)That driver is trying to overtake. Slow down a bit and let him ___________(先过去) (2)The train _______________(进站)exactly on time. (3)The driver _______________(停)at the gate of our school. (4)_________________________(把你的汽车开到一边)and let the visitors pass! 6.in time 及时,总有一天,终于 The truth will be known to all in time.事实总有一天会被知道。 按时 on time


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