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* Unit Three Active Reading Lesson 8 Prereading Prereading is a way to familiarize yourself quickly with the organization and content of the material. Prereading involves getting a quick impression or overview of what you are going to read before beginning to read. You might think of prereading as similar to looking at a road map before you start out on a drive to an unfamiliar place. The road map, like prereading, gives you an idea of what lies ahead and how it is arranged. Prereading Is Effective Prereading is effective because it: helps you become interested in and involved with what you will read 2. gives you basic information about the organization and content of the article 3. focuses your attention on the content of the article 4. allows you to read somewhat faster, since the material is familiar 5. provides you with a mental outline of the material. You can anticipate the sequence of ideas, see relationships among topics, and follow the author’s direction of thought. Also, reading becomes a process of completing or expanding the outline by identifying supporting details. How to Preread Prereading involves looking only at those parts of the reading material that will tell you what it is about or how it is organized. The portions to look at in reading a textbook chapter are listed below. Read the title. Often the title functions as a label and tells you what the material is about. It establishes the overall topic or subject. 2. Read the introduction or opening paragraphs. The first few paragraphs of a piece of writing are usually introductory. The author may explain the subject, outline his or her ideas, or give some clues about his or her direction of thought. If the introduction is long, read only the first two or three paragraphs. How to Preread 3. Read each boldface heading. Headings, like titles, serve as labels and identify the content of the material they head. Together, the headings will form a mini- outline o


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