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Book Four 14. A. as long as B. lest C. though D. as well as 15. A. exactly B. secretly C. closely D. precisely 16. A. fragment B. sort C. branch D. piece 17. A. intensity B. cruelty C. injustice D. violence Book Four 18. A. discounted B. disposed C. discouraged D. disputed 19. A. where B. when C. which D. that 20. A. warn B. blame C. charge D. accuse Book Four 8. I was _________by the bull and wanted to run off the field. terrified Book Four VIII. The suffix –ery/ry can be added to nouns or adjectives to form new nouns with the meaning of “ a group or col- lction of” or “the state or character of”. The suffix – ery/ry can also be added to verbs or nouns to form new nouns with the meaning of “a place where something happens or is made”, or re- Book Four ferring to an action. For example: brave + ry → bravery machine + ry → machinery bake + ry → bakery rob + ery → robbery Study the words ending with –ery/ry given below and complete the following sentences with them. Book Four robbery delivery discovery bravery nursery machinery scenery jewelry 1. These young people were awarded medals for their remarkable ________. 2. They were all fond of ______, and some wore rings and some fine gold chains. bravery jewelry Book Four 3. It was clear that the minister was the right man to speak at the dinner; his _________ was faultless. 4. There was no electricity because the __________ had failed again. 5. The ________ was committed while we were away for the weekend. delivery machinery robbery Book Four 6. Their two children have been going to a ______ since they were small babies . 7. They climbed the hill and stopped at the top to enjoy the _________. 8. Every since the __


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