高级商英 Unit 5.ppt

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高级商英 Unit 5

2. Pre-reading Activity Group discussion 1. Can you name some great scientists in the world? What qualities do they have in common? Classroom exercises 1. Marie Curie was brilliant, ____________, a legend. single-minded 2. I was just a girl with little________, more drawn to words and _______ stories than to formulas and lab experiments. direction made-up 3. Marie Curie was obsessively __________ her research before her daughter were born. engaged in pay homage: pay special honor 表示敬意 fete [feit] celebrate 庆祝 Toast: somebody who is the object of much attention or admiration. 受人敬慕的人物,敬酒 8 In time, the Curies became world famous, especially after they won a Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 for the discovery of radioactivity. They were the toast of the European scientific community, feted lavishly and visited at home in Paris by acolytes who came from as far away as New Zealand to pay homage. 3. 许多国家政要前来这里,对他的一生成就表示诚挚的敬意。(pay homage) 3. Many states leaders came to pay homage to him for his lifetime achievements. 2. 他在奥运会上夺冠让他一夜之间成了在家乡受人敬慕的人物。(toast) 2 His winning of the gold medal at the Olympic Games made him the toast of his hometown overnight. Acolyte [ ??k?lait] n assistant 助手 Wagon [ ?w?g?n] n. 四轮马车 draft: used for drawing heavy load 载重的 Sore [s?:] n. An open skin wound 疼痛的, 裂痛的 Tragedy n. 悲剧 VS comedy n. 喜剧 9 For the Curies, though, their triumph contained the seeds of their tragedy. Remember, they worked around radioactivity nearly every day. Even before winning the Nobel, Pierre was severely ill from exposure to this fierce energy. He had open sores on his hands and fingers, and increasing difficulty walking. In 1906, he fell into the path of a wagon drawn by two huge draft horses, and a wheel ran over his head. He died instantly. metamorphosis [ ?met? ?? m?:f?sis] change in appearance or character 变形 Cape: n. loose sleeveless garment like a cloak but usu. shorter 披肩 inc


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