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I like the music that I can dance to;1.(2012·绍兴)—Its the museum! So you ________ know smoking is not allowed here. —Oh, sorry. A.must B.will C.can D.may 2.(2012·台州)—Whos singing in the bathroom? —It ________ be Mr.Brown. Nobody sings like that except him. A.will B.must C.could D.should;3.(2012·湖州)—What kind of movies do you like? —I like the movies ________ are about Chinese history. A.who B.whom C.whose D.which 4.(2011·绍兴)—Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Ms King in her office. —Morning. You________ be Mr Jones. This way, please. A.will B.must C.can D.might;5.(2010·宁波)—Could you tell me ________ at the meeting? —Sorry, I dont know. I didnt go to the meeting that day. A.what does he say B.what he says C.what he said D.what did he say;;final(adv) finally drop dropped dropping noise(adj) noisy catch caught suggest(n.) suggestion energy (adj) energetic honest dishonest taste(adj) tasty prefer preferring smell smelt sink(pt) sank (pp)sunk;1 belong to me / Tom 属于我 / 汤姆 2 be mine / Tom’s 是我的/是汤姆的 3 his favorite author / writer 他最喜爱的作家 4 at the picnic / have a picnic / go for a picnic 在野餐时 5 at an appointment 约定 6 at lunch time 在午餐时 7 make up 30% of the final exam 占期末考试的30% 8 be anxious / worried about … 担心… 9 the owner of the house 房屋的主人 10 fly in the sky 在空中飞 11 a strange creature 一种奇怪的生物;12 catch the early bus / train 赶早班车 13 interview sb 采访某人 14 be interviewed by sb 被…采访 15 make a noise 吵闹 16 get noisy 变得吵闹 17 the director of the zoo / movie 动物园的主管/电影的导演 18 three monkeys 三只猴子 19 escape from the zoo =run away from the zoo 从动物园跑出来 20 a strange smell 一种奇怪的味道 ;21 smell good / terrible 闻起来香/难闻 22 lift a big stone 举起一块大石头 23 an ant 一只蚂蚁 24 four oceans 四大洋 25 in an ocean of paper / books / flowers 题海/书海/花的海洋 26 an honest /dishonest boy 一个诚实的/不诚实的男孩 27 pret


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