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现代握手礼通常是先打招呼,然后相互握手,同时寒暄致意。握手礼流行于许多国家,在交往时最常见的一种见面、离别、祝贺或致谢的礼节。 Modern handshake is usually the first to say hello, and then shake hands with each other. Handshake is popular in many countries, in a meeting, parting, congratulations or thank etiquette is most common when the exchanges 不礼貌握手: (1) 男士戴着帽子和手套,只有女士在社交场合戴着薄纱手套握手,才是被允许的。 (2)用左手同他人握手。 (3)交叉握手,不要越过其他人正在相握的手同另外一个人相握。 (4) 握手时目光左顾右盼。 The man is wearing a hat and gloves. Shake hands with others with the left hand. The cross shake, do not pass through other people are clasped hands with another person to hold. The eyes look right and left hand. (5)长久的握着异性的手不放。男士与女士握手时间要短一些,用力更轻一些。 Long held opposite hand tightly. Men shake hands with a woman much shorter, lighter force. 不要用左手相握,尤其是和阿拉伯人、印度人打交道时要牢记,因为在他们看来左手是不洁的只能用于洗澡等。 With the left hand grip is not, especially in dealing with the Arabs, Indians will have to bear in mind, because in their view the left hand is not clean can only be used to take a shower. 不要在握手时另外一只手插在衣袋里或拿着东西; 不要在握手时面无表情、不置一词或长篇大论、点头哈腰,过份客套 不要在握手时仅仅握住对方的手指尖,好像有意与对方保持距离。正确的做法,是要握住整个手掌。即使对异性,也要这么做; Do not shake hands, just hold each others finger tip, seems to keep distance with each other. The correct approach, is to hold the palm of the hand. Even with the opposite sex, but also to do so 不要在握手时把对方的手拉过来、推过去,或者上下左右抖个没完; 不要拒绝和别人握手,即使有手疾或汗湿、弄脏了,也要和对方说一下“对不起,我的手现在不方便”。以免造成不必要的误会。 Do not shake hands, take each others hand, pushing past, or up and down about shaking off; Dont refuse to shake hands with others, even with a moving or acting or sweaty, dirty, also to each other and say sorry, my hands are not convenient. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. 握手的时间要恰当,长短要因人而异。握手时间控制的一般原则可根据双方的熟悉程度灵活掌握。初次见面握手时间不宜过长,以三秒钟为宜。切忌握住异性的手久久不松开,与同性握手的时间也不宜过长,以免对方欲罢不能。 The first meeting of handshake time shoulds not be too long, to three seconds is appropriate. Do not hold the opposite hand for a long time not loosen, and isotropic handshake time should not be too long, try to stop but cannot avoid ea


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