activePDF Toolkit使用教程:怎样实现创建和导出.pdf

activePDF Toolkit使用教程:怎样实现创建和导出.pdf

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activePDF Toolkit使用教程:怎样实现创建和导出

activePDF Toolkit使用教程 activePDF Toolkit使用教程 :怎样实现创建和导出 作为一款强大的PDF 生成修改工具,activePDF Toolkit 能够实现一切PDF 相关的功能。 本文是关于创建和导出功能的示例介绍。 》》》下载activePDF Toolkit 试用版 代码如下: // Copyright (c) 2013 activePDF, Inc. // Example created 01/03/13 // Make sure to add the activePDF product .NET DLL(s) to your appl ication. // .NET DLL(s) are typically found in the products bin folder. class Examples { public void main() { string strPath; int intOpenOutputFile; int intOpenInputFile; int intCopyForm; string strXMLData; strPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; // Instantiate Object APToolkitNET.Toolkit oTK = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(); // This example will take a PDF and add a comment to it // then it will extract the comment from the new PDF 慧都科技 —— 为您提供软件开发技术解决方案 ,帮助您获得成功! 1 activePDF Toolkit使用教程 // Create the new PDF file intOpenOutputFile = oTK.OpenOutputFile(strPath + new.pdf); if (intOpenOutputFile != 0) { ErrorHandler(OpenOutputFile, intOpenOutputFile); } // Open the template PDF intOpenInputFile = oTK.OpenInputFile(strPath + PDF.pdf); if (intOpenInputFile != 0) { ErrorHandler(OpenInputFile, intOpenInputFile); } // Add a comment to first page of the input PDF oTK.AddComment(72.0f, 660.0f, 144.0f, 100.0f, Lorem Ipsum, Test, 0, 128, #BEBEBE, true, 1, John Doe, Lorem); // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file intCopyForm = oTK.CopyForm(0, 0); if (intCopyForm != 1) { ErrorHandler(CopyForm, intCopyForm); } // Close the new file to complete PDF creation oTK.CloseOutputFile(); // Open the PDF with a comment intOpenInputFile = oTK.Ope


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