CentOS 单用户模式重置密码.pdf

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CentOS 单用户模式重置密码

For CentOS 6.x 5.x Way 1: CentOS-6 Note: Due to an upstream SELinux bug the root password cannot be reset on a fresh install of CentOS-6 without an additional step. Booting with selinux=0 appended to the grub kernel line, or doing setenforce 0 after logging in and before attempting to reset the password are work-arounds. This is corrected by applying already-released errata updates. Cautious: We urge to take backup of your data and try it out at your own risk. STEP 1. Boot Computer and Interrupt while booting at GRUB stage hitting ‘arrow‘ keys or “space bar“. STEP 2. Type ‘a‘ to modify kernel argument. Anytime you can cancel typing ‘ESC‘ key. STEP 3. Append 1 at the end of “rhgb quiet” and press “Enter” key to boot into single user mode. STEP 4. Type command “runlevel” to know the the runlevel where you are standing. Here “1 S” state that your are in a single user mode. STEP 5. Type ‘passwd‘ command without username and press ‘Enter‘ key in command prompt. It’ll ask to supply new root password and re-type the same password for confirmation. “Your are Done” Congratulation!!! What if GRUB bootloader is password protected? We’ll cover in our next article, how to protect GRUB with password and reset the same. Stay tuned… If you find this article is helpful, or you may have some comments or query about it please feel free to contact with us through below comment box. Way 2 1. Boot or Reboot your CentOS installation From the console ATL+CTRL+DEL will get you headed in the right direction. 2. Press Any Key After the installation reboots, it will come up to a boot countdown. Here, you can press any key, I dont have one either, but any other key works also. This will bring you to the GRUB menu. 3. GRUB Menu From the GRUB


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