LINUX LVM知识(国外英语资料).doc

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LINUX LVM知识(国外英语资料)

LINUX LVM知识(国外英语资料) The LVM (Logical Volumn Manager) : The overall approach: partition to LVM format (8e) - - PV creation - - VVG creates - format partition - MOUNT partition - e2fsadm adjusts LV size Some key words: PV (Physical Volumn); VG (Volumn Group); LV (Logical Volumn); (Physical Extend Physical block default 4M); (Logical Extend Logical block) PE: LE = 1:1 (Normal) The structure of LVM is as follows: Hda1 hdc1 SDC (PV: s physical volume, typically a partition or an entire disk) \ | / \ | / Diskvg (the VG volume group is composed of physical volumes) / | \ / | \ Usrlv rootlv varlv (LV: s logical volume created on the volume group) |, |, | Ext2 reiserfs XFS (file system built on logical volumes) PV: Partition/dev/had... VG: virtual hard disk/dev/vg_name LV: virtual partition/dev/vg_name/lv_name The LVM creation process: If there are three hard disks hda2 (3G)/hdb2 (3G)/hdc2 (3G)/hdd2 (3G) + hda1 (100mb boot partition) Create partitions: Fdisk/dev/hda (.. HDB.. HDC.. HDB) Partitions of the hda2 / hdb2 / hdc2 / hdd2 3G, the partition format is 8e (LVM partitioning) Create a physical volume (PV) : Pvcreate [-v] /dev/hda2 / dev/hdb2 /dev/hdc2 /dev/hdd2 * * * create physical volume (PV) can pass pvscan before check whether there is a physical volume and its information, such as pvscan view to the existing PV (such as/dev/hdb1, / dev/hdc1) belongs to the VG (e.g., VG0), ones can get through it Pvdisplay/dev/hdb1 view the existing LVM cases. * * * * * * * * shows that all the processes created are omitted Create volume group (VG) : Vgcreate [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] [-s] * * * create the volume group ((VG) before you can view the existing volume group information through vgdisplay. * * * * -s the PE size of VG (for example, 8M), which is not written as 4M, must be an integer of 4; * * * VG is automatically Active when it is created, and if there is no automatic Active, it can be activated by v


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