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Linux下基于bluez与obex的服务(国外英语资料) Linux is based on the service of bluez and obex Classification: bluez/obex 2009-08-1017:1260 reading review (0) collects reports A service side need to give each other the OBEX Object Push service channel, so before I open the server needs to determine the service registry to SDP server, use sdptool registered under Linux commands to the service: sdptool add opush; OBEX_Init () is used to initialize an obex instance handle; Arg1: OBEX_TRANS_BLUETOOTH is used to declare the transport protocol as bluetooth; Arg2: the callback function. Arg3: flag = OBEX_FL_KEEPSERVER, and after receiving the request, the server can continue to receive requests from other clients; OBEX_SetUserData () sets the users own variable, which is entirely dependent on the user himself; 3. BtOBEX_ServerRegister (); A server-side function dedicated to the bluetooth protocol that listens for requests sent by the client; The internal function creates a socket (call socket (AF_BLUETOOTH SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM)), bind the socket to the local bluetooth address, convert the socket to listen sockt, after the socket to listen on port from the client on the connection request; The OBEX_HandleInput () function is used to read and process the received data, which will block if no data arrives. This function is called the selet () function, parameters to the system registration handle client sockt with server-side sockt, let the system to monitor the events on the socket, if is the data to the server socket, is called the accept () function for the client to create a new sockt, If the flag of OBEX_Init () is not set to OBEX_FL_KEEPSERVER, then the service terminal socket is turned off and other client connections are forbidden; (????? : the accept () for the client to create a new socket, and returns its descriptor, then the newly created socket port is to redistribute or the original channel from the server, if the redistribution, only register the service on the server c


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