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Linux下用USB传输文件到开发板(国外英语资料) Yesterday the development board of ARM11 arrived, need to verify each function first. Past with FS2410 when using minicom + usb2ram, functional DNW is stronger than under Windows, because minicom support color display, wont appear a lot of noise, like DNW hyperterminal to do on this pretty good also, its a pity that cant support USB transmission, plus we use the Linux embedded system and development are carried out under Ubuntu at ordinary times, of course choose minicom + usb2ram ~ This time, however, the usb2ram doesnt support the USB transmission of the EZ6410 board, which makes me depressed! Look at the source code for the usb2ram, and find that there are four main places that are related to the specific board, namely, the vendorID, productID, ram_base, and the EndPoint address. The question then becomes how to view the values of these parameters on the EZ6410 development board. Ram_base is simple, with the manual, 0x50200,000. The other three searched the web and found that using the lsusb could be listed in the first two, 0x04e8 and 0x1234, while the EndPoint address was 0x03, and I tried to change to 0x02 After compiling, it can be used with minicom, but the speed is still slow, especially compared to the DNW under Windows, which is as slow as a snail! So I went online and searched for the USB transports similar to DNW, and I found one, called dnw2. Is very simple, just a c file, open source code, support QQ2440, structure than usb2ram more clear and simple, it is the three places, vendorID, productID and ram_base, dont need the EndPoint, more precisely, already fixed to 0 x02 ~ I put the three macro definition set, compiled by test, can support, and speed obviously faster than usb2ram a lot, and under Windows DNW no direct comparison, it is difficult, but also about the same ~ With dnw2, you probably dont need the usb2ram in the future, because theres a lot of difference in speed, and no one likes slow things Ps, the source code fo


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