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Linux下部署平台的常见问题与小技巧(国外英语资料) The ultimate solution for Linux is 06-06-06-06-0/etc/sysconfig/i18n Change the content to LANG = zh_CN. GB18030 LANGUAGE = zh_CN. GB18030: zh_cn.gb2312: zh_CN Support = zh_cn.gb18030: zh_CN: en_us.utf-8: en_US: en SYSFONT = lat0 - sun16 Common problems and tips for deploying platforms under Linux (because alang knows very little about Linux, there are some wrong places. Thank you!!!) Linux and Windows are not very different from the installation deployment of the platform, which only lists the different parts: The Linux file has permissions control, which can set the owner, group, and can set the permissions to read, write, and execute If there are errors such as Permission denied, check the current user for permissions on the file, and if there is any enforcement authority The extension of the batch file under Linux, which executes the batch file. / For example:. / Set environment variables, set under Windows, and export under Linux Check the environment variable under Linux for env For example, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ORACLE_HOME/lib 4 the registration service Linux/Unix without registration service concept, but can be in the operating system boot time, start/etc/rc. D/init. D batch files in the directory, and can be done with this 5 Versions. The XML file X3Server/client/xml.xml file Modify the updatefile = ... / autoupdate.exe for the installation path, such as the default installation path for/usr/local/X3Server Updatefile = / usr/local/X3Server/client/autoupdate.exe Initialization, import tools, and export tools can only run under Windows You need to install the Tomcat server on a Windows, and the initialization and import and export operations can only be run under Windows -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Revision history: The xml.xml file and initializers/import/export tools are added on April 18, 2008 Install the lock driver under Linux Under Linux it is driv


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