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《程序设计基础》习题(国外英语资料) Fundamentals of programming The second chapter (1) algorithm to solve the following question: when a customer shopping, if I buy four apples left 4 cents. If I buy 5 apples are short of 5 cents, excuse me, how much money the customer have? How much is the first apple? The common factor of the positive integer m and n is the maximum integer that can be divisible by m and n simultaneously, and the algorithm for the two positive integer factors is given. 3. The algorithm is given to solve the following problem: if every small cows from birth year 4 year gave birth to a cow, in accordance with this law, a small cows, existing in it after the birth of the first n how many cows? The third chapter The following c + + method values () are different from the other three values. A.0xd2b. 210c.0321d. 0xD2L The following types of errors are (). A.u nsigned charB. Unsigned float C.u nsigned long intd.unsigned int The value of m after the following statement is (). Int m (1). M = * n + m; Cout. B. a. 0 1 c. 2 d. 3 The following statement executes the value of a () (%). Int a is equal to 8 times 3 plus minus 3, 5 minus 5/2; A. b. b. c. d. c. Edit and run the following programs to learn the semantics of each operator based on the runtime and output results. # include iostream. H Void main () { Struct Num {int x, y; (4). Num * p = sa + 1; Int x is equal to p minus , y/sa. / / style is bad, dont learn this style } The fourth chapter Write the program. Solve the root of a quadratic equation, ax2 + bx + c = 0. Note: the variety of possibilities and the robustness of the program should be considered. Write the program. Calculate the sum of the natural Numbers that can be divisible by 13 in 100. (requirement: drawing flowcharts) Write the program to print the multiplication tables. (requirement: drawing flowcharts) The fifth chapter Analyze the results of the function below # include iostream. H Void func ();


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