妇 科 医 生 接 诊 技 巧(国外英语资料).doc

妇 科 医 生 接 诊 技 巧(国外英语资料).doc

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妇 科 医 生 接 诊 技 巧(国外英语资料)

妇 科 医 生 接 诊 技 巧(国外英语资料) The gynecology doctor is a doctor of medicine. This post receives two flowers catalogue The first doctors essential psychological quality Section 2 procedures and considerations Primary diagnostic procedures 2, the diagnostic procedure The third section is to do a preliminary diagnosis 1, the attention matters when filling in the basic information Questions should be noted in the case of medical history 3, the matter that should be noted when doing examination (B chao, test) Explain the disease and develop the treatment plan Develop a treatment plan prescribe Doctors advice Fill out the form and the outpatient journal In the fourth section, we will review the patients Section 5 answer the phone Share: the QQ space sina weibo renren is a popular website to collect 00 0 to stomp on the doctor Activities: high-paying jobs waiting for you, perfect your resume - send points! (left click to view details) Report the application of the paint report to report the use of prop Linxun sends a short message Add as a friend Linxun currently online UID386994 theme 7 essence 0 contributes 12 eggs 0 professional minutes 0 online time 406 hours of registration time in the year of 2007-6-24 and finally logon 2011-2-28 Benevolent love d Integral 12 fan 0 post 996 love medicine 48651 flowers 174 compassion index check reading authority 20 2 # sofa Published in 2007-11-19 15:22 | is only for the author This post receives a flower The procedure of consultation of the gynecologist The first doctors essential psychological quality We have full confidence in the detection technology, treatment plan, treatment and adjuvant treatment, and have confidence in all kinds of difficulties and the ability to cure them. B, good at analyzing, summarizing the psychological characteristics of various patients, aiming at different psychological characteristics, using different methods and methods to persuade patients. C, to greet the patient with enthusiasm, like the care of the pa


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