华南理工-网络统计学原理 随堂练习2(国外英语资料).doc

华南理工-网络统计学原理 随堂练习2(国外英语资料).doc

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华南理工-网络统计学原理 随堂练习2(国外英语资料)

华南理工-网络统计学原理 随堂练习2(国外英语资料) Chapter 1 introduction Statistical analysis is the core of statistics, which is the process of exploring the internal laws of data through statistical descriptions and statistical inferences. Answer:) Descriptive statistics is a way to study how to infer the quantitative characteristics of a general body based on the sample data. Answer: * Descriptive statistics are the basis of the whole statistics, which is the main content of modern statistics. Answer:) The importance of inferential statistics in modern statistics has become the core of statistics. Answer:) The measurement scale of statistical data is divided into fixed scale, fixed sequence scale, fixed distance scale and definite ratio scale. Answer:) Quantitative data shows the number of phenomena that can be expressed using numerical values. Answer:) Qualitative data shows that the characteristics of the phenomenon are not represented by numerical values. Answer:) The statistics are expressed in three forms: the absolute number, the relative number and the average. Answer:) Product production is a period of time. Answer:) Stock prices are time points. Answer: square root The exam results are divided into excellent, good, middle, pass and failing grades. Answer: * The test scores are measured in terms of percentage, which is divided by the scale. Answer: * The ratio of men to men and women is the relative ratio of men and women. Answer: * A dynamic sequence is a sequence of numerical values that are sorted by groups in a certain period. Answer: * The number of enterprises and age are discrete variables. Answer: * Gender and product grade are the quantity variables. Answer: * The processing method of data, the generalization and analysis method of data distribution characteristics, etc. Are the contents of descriptive statistics. Answer: square root Peoples height, weight, machine equipment, and so on are continuous variables. Answer: * The variable value of the discrete variable can


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