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主板测试卡代码及网线接法(国外英语资料) The configuration of the system is displayed; You will control the INI19 boot load. 1 processor test 1, processor status verification, and if the test fails, the loop is infinite. The processor register test is about to begin, and unblocking interrupts will be suspended. The CPU register test is ongoing or failing. Determine the type of diagnosis (normal or manufacturing). If the keyboard buffer contains data, it will fail. Disable non-blocking interrupts; Start with a delay. CMOS write/read is in or out. Remove 8042 keyboard controller and issue the TESTKBRD command (AAH). ROM BIOS check parts are ongoing or malfunction. Make 8042 keyboard controller reset and verify TESTKBRD. Keyboard controller soft reset/electrical test. Programmable interval timer tests are being performed or failed. If you repeat manufacturing test 1 through 5, you can obtain 8042 control status. Confirm the soft reset/power; The boot ROM. The DMA is in or out of order. Make the circuit film initial preparation, disable video, odd-even, DMA circuit, and clear DMA circuit, all page register and CMOS stop bytes. ROM has launched a ROM calculation The BIOS check sum, and check whether the keyboard buffer is cleared. The DMA initial page register reads/writes tests are being performed or failed. 7 processor test 2, verify the CPU registers work. ROM BIOS check sum is normal, keyboard buffer has been cleared, and BAT (basic guarantee test) commands are issued to the keyboard. . Make the CMOS timer as the initial preparation, normal update timer cycle. The BAT command has been issued to the keyboard and will be written to the BAT command. RAM update inspection ongoing or Я tree fern? The 2009 EPROM check sum must be equal to zero. Verify the basic guarantee test for the keyboard, then verify the keyboard command byte. The first 64K RAM test is ongoing. 0A prepares the video interface for initial preparation. Issue the keyboard command byte code that will be written to the comman


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