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U盘无法格式化与U盘修复的几种方法(国外英语资料) There are several ways in which U disk cannot be formatted and repaired The usb drives fail for a variety of reasons, such as Windows cannot be formatted. But that doesnt mean the usb stick is disused, and try the following method (but its a little harder for people who dont play with computers) : Method one: 1. Point start - run - enter CMD - format f: / fs: fat32 (f: which is the disk of the usb drive) 2. Open the control panel - management tools - computer management - disk management - find U disk in the drive - point right - remove the disk partition (this option is gray, cant choose) - create a new disk partition, according to the prompt completion of disk partitions can format the U disk. Method 2: Download Usboot tools (this tool is very classical general ghost system disk with an online search a large), formatted in HDD way, which needs according to clew unplug to insert the usb flash drive, finally complete the startup disk. This time you can double-click the disk and prompt for formatting... Then click yes, finally saw the strangers formatting window, select FAT formatting, everything goes well, the usb flash drive can be normal use, again, after the completion of capacity without loss. A friend with the same problem can try this approach, of course, the unformatted situation is so different that there is always a solution if it is not a hard wound. I hope it works for you. Method 3: Ask the manufacturer to have a production tool software (or search for download on the Internet) with the usb chip, and format it with the tool software Open U disk, found on the chip CBM2091, so the online retrieval CBM2091, find CBM2090CBM2091 production tools, after the operation can detect the U disk, in flash drive set scanning mode is set to the low scanning, and check the need for formatting, aging, choose after all, then start scanning, format the U disk, looking at U disk flash, know the repair is right. Method 4: (it is said that a lot of p


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