研究生英语综合教程unit 1.ppt

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研究生英语综合教程unit 1

2. Violation of the honor system can result in failing a course, having a permanent record of the violation in the students files, and even being suspended or expelled from the university. (L.36) =If you violate the honor system, you may have the violation record in your student’s file for good, be suspended or driven out of the university. result in: lead to, induce e.g. The accident resulted in the death of two people. 这场意外事故造成两人死亡。 3. Many students are also aware that they can jeopardize their rapport with fellow students if they are dishonest. (L.39) rapport [r? ′ p?:] 和睦(或融洽、亲善)关系 be in rapport with (与…)关系密切 e.g. The actor developed a close rapport with his audience. 该演员与观众建立了密切的关系。 Father and son have a great rapport. 父子情深 4. When international students are accused of plagiarism, it may be that they omitted the citation out of ignorance but not because of dishonesty (L.65) = When international students are charged with copying from others, it may be because they do not realize it, but not because they are dishonest, accuse of: to charge formally with a wrongdoing. e.g. He was accused of murder. 有人指控他谋杀 She accused him of stealing her watch. 她控告他偷她的表 5. Students from countries where beating the system is a survival technique have to adjust to the fact that in the United States any kind of falsification of official school documents is considered dishonest and is punishable. (L.71) beating the system: theres always countermeasure to the system or policy e.g. Some people tend to beat the system and some people do not. 6. Their attempt to take advantage of the system in order to better themselves may have been a natural response to having struggled in a society with many bureaucratic barriers. (L.76) take advantage of: put to good use; avail oneself of e.g. It never occurred to me to take advan


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