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Mystery——and Maybe Danger——in the Air (supplementary in Unit Two) Revision questions (par. 11-end) 1. Why did Ames start to realize something wasn’t right? Par. 11 2. Did he really make some errors with his test? Par. 12 3. Why is it irresponsible to attribute birth defects to a certain toxic substance in water? Par. 13: the last sentence. 4. Is Ames a stooge for any industries? No. Par. 15. He does no consulting for … 5. What are the environmentalists’ positions? Par. 16: keep…as low as possible 6. What’s Ame’s reply? Par. 17: a natural result of social development and we have to live with it as long as we want technological advancements. Par. one Run on 靠(某种动力或燃料)运转: This kind of walking tractor runs on diesel oil. ( [di:z(?)l]) 这种手扶拖拉机靠柴油运转。 Preposterous adj. 荒谬的;可笑的; 反常的;乖戾的;十分荒谬的;愚蠢的 No matter how preposterous the rule, it stays and stays, regardless of whether it works to accomplish its end. 不管规则多么荒谬,它总是呆在那儿,不论其是否达到其目的。 A growing hand (of scientists) Sentence meaning: 越来越多的科学家用手指向了… Speaker meaning: 越来越多的科学家开始转向/着手于/从事这方面的研究 插手: have/take a hand in sth. Eg. At times like these a hand of friendship is most needed. 在这个时候友谊之手是最需要的。 He is fond of having a hand in everything. 他什么事都喜欢插上一手。 If you take a hand in this matter, you will cook your own goose by a quick fire. 如果你插手此事,要不了多久你就会将自己毁掉。 a handful of 一把;少量的;一小部分 A handful of almonds may shore up your immune system from the effects of stress.一把杏仁可以支撑起你的减压免疫系统。 They tied the knot before a handful of guests.他们在几个宾客的见证下结婚了。 Studies that seem to link exposure to electromagnetic fields with increased risk of leukemia and other malignancies Paraphrasing: studies that seem to prove that more and more people have these diseases because they are exposed to electromagnetic fields Or: …show that people’s exposure to electromagnetic fields leads to such diseases as …and … Implication n. 含义;暗示;牵连,卷入 He smiled, but the implication was that he didn’t believe me. 他微微一笑,但这一笑暗示着他不相信我的话。 She misinterpreted the im



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