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第27 卷  第6 期 材  料  科  学  与  工  程  学  报 总第122期 Vol 2 7  No 6 J our nal of Mat erial s Science Engineerin g Dec . 2 0 0 9 文章编号 (2009) 溶剂蒸发法制备油核/ 聚合物壳微胶囊 杨  红 ,吴  刚 ,陈红征 ,汪  茫 (浙江大学高分子科学与工程学系 ,高分子合成与功能构造教育部重点实验室 ,浙江 杭州  310027)   【摘  要】 通过溶剂蒸发法制备了十六烷/ 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯核/ 壳结构微胶囊 。SEM 和光学显微镜照片显 示 ,微胶囊呈球形 ,囊壁透明 ,表面光滑 。系统研究表明 ,在相同条件下 , 随着 PMMA 用量的增加 ,微胶囊粒径增 大 ,粒径分布变宽 ;随着搅拌速度的增加或/ 和稳定剂 PVA 量的增大 ,微胶囊的粒径减小 ,粒径分布变窄 。 【关键词】 微胶囊 ;溶剂蒸发法 ;核壳结构 中图分类号 : TQ050 . 4 + 25     文献标识码 :A Oil Core/ polymer Shell Microcapsules Prepared by Solvent Evaporation Technique YANG Hong , WU Gang , CHEN Hongzheng , WANG Mang ( Department of Polymer Science Engineering , Zhej iang University , Key Laboratory of Macromolecule Synthesis and Functionalization ( Zhej iang University) , Ministry of Education , Hangzhou  310027 , China) 【Abstract 】 Microcap sules cont aining hexadecane a s core mat erial were p rep ared f rom polymet hyl met hacrylat e ( PMMA) by t he solvent evaporation met hod . Syst ematic researches for t he influence of PMMA/ hexadecane ma ss ratio , surfact ant PVA concent ration as well as stirring rat e on t he cap sule diamet er and cap sule size di st ribution were carried out . It i s found t hat t he diamet er and t he p article size di st ribution of t he cap sules increa se wit h increasing PMMA/ hexadecane ma ss ratio , while decrea se wit h increa sing t he stirring rat e and t he amount of PVA . The cap sules p rep ared under t he condition s of PMMA/ hexadecane mass ratio of 1 :4 , PVA cont ent of 2 % , stirring rat e of 1000 rp m , t emp erat ure of 35 ℃, can be applied in elect


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