包含身体部位的--English idioms.docVIP

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  中英对照   1、头部及颈部的人体部位英语单词和英文名称   head 头brain 脑skull 颅骨, 头盖骨hair 头发forehead 额temple 太阳穴eyebrow 眉eyelash眼睫ophryon印堂eye 眼睛ear 耳朵nose 鼻子cheek 面颊dimple 酒涡mole 痣philtrum人中lip 嘴唇mouth 口cavity口腔tooth 牙齿uvual 小舌tonsil 扁桃腺tongue 舌vocal cords声带decayed tooth 龋齿gum 牙龈palate 上牙膛incisors 切齿, 门齿canine tooth 大齿premolars 前齿molars 后牙denlture 假齿chin 下巴mustache 小胡子beard 山羊胡whiskers 络腮胡sidebums 鬓角Adams apple 喉throat 喉咙, 咽喉neck 脖子cervical vertebra颈椎   2、手和手掌个不稳英文单词和英语名称   elbow joint 肘关节hand 手arm 手臂palm 手掌finger 手指nail 指甲thumb 大拇指forefinger 食指middle finger 中指third finger 无名指little finger 小指ball 拇指腕掌half moon 甲晕fist 拳头knuckle 指关节back 手背wrist 手腕elbow 肘   3、人体胸部和下半身各部位英语单词和英文名称   collarbone 锁骨shoulder 肩shoulder blade 肩胛骨shoulder joint 肩关节pit 胸口 breastbone 胸骨joint 关节rib 肋骨chest 胸部nipple 乳头armpit 腋下armpit hair 腋毛abdomen 腹部navel 肚脐waist 腰lumbar vertebrae腰椎back 背backbone 脊骨, 脊柱blood vessel 血管vein 静脉artery 动脉capillary 毛细血管nerve 神经windpipe 气管heart 心脏diaphragm 隔膜lung 肺kidney 肾脏stomach 胃gullet 食管liver 肝脏gall bladder 胆囊pancreas 胰腺spleen 脾duodenum 12指肠small intestine 小肠large intestine 大肠blind gut 盲肠vermiform appendix 阑尾rectum 直肠anus 肛门hip 臀部buttock 屁股pelvis 骨盆private parts 阴部bladder 膀胱penis 阴茎testicles 睾丸scroticles 阴囊urine 尿道ovary 卵巢womb 子宫vagina 阴道bone 骨skeleton 骨骼thigh 大腿kneecap 膝盖骨sinew 腱muscle 肌肉knee 膝盖leg 腿shank 小腿calf 小腿肚foot 脚instep 脚背toes 脚趾ankle 脚踝Achilless tendon 跟腱heel 脚后跟sole 脚底arch 脚掌心spinal marrow 脊髓internal organs 内脏 身体部位的英语谚语 be dressed to the teeth 浓妆艳抹 armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿 A still tongue makes a wise head .智者寡言 The tongue isnt steel ,yet it cuts .舌非刀剑,但能伤人。 Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it .(Nothing is impossible to a willing heart .)世上无难事,只怕有心人。 What the heart thinks the tongue speaks .言为心声 speak though ones neck 吹牛 bend ones neck 俯首听命 be up ones shoulders 工作忙得不可开交 cold shoulders 冷遇,白眼 Justice has long arm.天网恢恢,疏而不漏 Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach .量入为出 be all thumb笨手笨脚 count ones thumbs消磨时间 A cold hand and a warm heart .手冷心肠热 One h


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