读懂标志 详解英文中的标志 (2).docVIP

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读懂标志 详解英文中的标志 There is song in English with a?chorus?that goes like this: 有首英文歌是这么唱的: Sign, sign, everywhere a sign?, Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind, ?Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign? 标语!标语!到处都是标语!大煞风景,头昏脑胀。干这个!别干那个!你难道看不懂标语吗? This song is very?fitting?because today’s post is about signs in English, signs that you will see on the road while driving or when walking down a street. Many of these signs are self?explanatory, because the symbols or pictures used are?obvious, to get a message across to everyone, even if they can’t read. However, let’s take a closer look at the signs in the picture below, so you can fully understand what they mean in case you come across one of them in America. 这首歌非常适合这篇文章的主题——英文中的标志。你可以在开车、散步的时候看到这些标志。大部分标志一目了然,因为所使用的标记或是图片非常明显,就算不识字,每个人都能看懂它传达的信息。不过,让我们仔细看看下列标志,这样当你碰上它们就可以完全理解了。 Starting with the top row, on the left side, we have a: 从第一排左边开始: stop sign?– When you see this sign you will have to come to a?complete?stop in your car or bike before you continue moving forward. 停车标志——看到这个标志,开车或是骑车都要停下来,不能再往前走。 yield?sign?– This sign indicates that you need to slow down, but you may not have to come to a full stop. 让行标志——这个标志提醒你要减速,但不用停下来。 crosswalk?– This is a sign that indicates people have the right of way to cross the street, so cars have to stop when they see a person waiting next to one of these?signs. 人行道——这个标志提示行人可以穿过街道,看到行人在一旁等待,车辆需要停下。 turning?– This sign indicates that the road is turning ahead, so be careful. 转弯——这个标志提示前方道路有弯道,小心驾驶。 hill?– This sign indicates you are about to approach a hill. 下坡——这个标志提示前方下坡。 Pitch?it!?– If you are looking for the nearest?garbage?or?trash?can, keep an eye out for this sign, it will often indicate a public garbage can is nearby. 垃圾桶——如果你在找最近的垃圾桶,留意这个标志,这表示附近有垃圾桶。 Second row: 第二行: speed limit?– When driving in the United States you will have to watch out for speed limit signs as the speed limit changes?frequently?depending on where you are driving; the number on this sign in


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