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Export budget
Contract number:
Budget sheet number:
(Note: all figures entered in this budget form are standard currencies)
Actual amount of project budget amount
Contract amount
Purchasing cost
Total FOB
Inland freight
CIQ Brokerage Fee
Customs declaration fee
Ocean freight
Insurance premium
Write off fee
Bank charges
Other expenses
Tax refunds income
4240 PC USD33 USD139920
Basic calculation
(1) gross weight, net weight and volume calculation;
First of all, to the gold rush net product show in the product of each box weight, volume, and then check whether the product unit of sale and packaging unit is the same.
In the calculation of weight, unit sales and packaging units of the same products (such as food products), can be directly used for the number of transactions per Box * gross (net weight); sales units and units of different packaging products (such as toys and clothing products), shall be calculated according to the unit conversion unit gross (net weight), and then calculate the total number of transactions according to the gross (net) weight.
In the calculation of volume, sales of units and units of the same packaging products (such as food products), can be directly used for the number of transactions per * box volume; the sales units and units of different packaging products (such as toys and clothing products), shall be calculated according to the unit conversion box number, then calculate total volume. (Note: the box number with a decimal point, must carry out the whole case.)
Example 1: toy products 08001 items, sales unit is UNIT (unit), packaging unit is CARTON (box), unit conversion shows that 6 boxes per box, gross weight of 23KGS per carton, net weight of 21KGS per box, each volume of 0.08052CBM. If the number of transactions is 1000, the gross, net weight, and volume are calculated separately
Solution: gross weight calculation:
Single gross weight = 23 / 6 = 3.833KGS
Total gross weight = 3.8333 * 1000 = 3833.3KGS
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