Unit 7 It’s raining: Section B(2a—2c)(学习目标+学习重点+课堂课后检测).doc

Unit 7 It’s raining: Section B(2a—2c)(学习目标+学习重点+课堂课后检测).doc

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第课时 (P页a—2c) 班级: 姓名: 学习目标1、知识与技能: 掌握单词 2、过程与方法1)、2)、 能利用所学进行. (3)、情感态度价值观。积极参与小组活动,大胆展示。学习重点’s + adj + to do sth It’s + adj + for/of sb to do sth 【学习过程一 课前预习 1.自己拼读、听磁带朗读单词。背单词。.单词. 短语检测:重点句型:二、课堂学习Step1?Free talk Talk about your winter vacation. Step2 Presentation Look at pictures in 2a. Talk about the pictures in pairs. Finish 2a. Look at the postcards in 2b. Guess what they are talking about. Read through the letters quickly. Finish 2c. Check the answers. Step3?Pair-work Talk about your own summer vacation according to the chart in 2c. 三、过关检测。 1.用所给词的适当形式填空 1). This music sounds very (relax) to me. 2). She (sit) down and watches the movie. 3).Alice is an American; she is not a (Russia). 4).What is Lily doing now? She is (skate) 5).What’s the weather like today? It is (snow) 2. 句型转换 1) He is enjoying himself in the park.(同义句) He is in the park. 2) He likes to eat fruit. (同义句) He fruit. 3). It’s warm and humid in spring here. ____ the in spring here. 4). They are taking photos. they . 5). There are some people here on vacation.(改为否定句) There people here on vacation. 6). My friends and I are on a vacation in the mountains. your friends and you on a vacation. 【拓展延伸】 1. I’m visiting some of my old friends. Some of … 意为“….当中的一些”当这个短语做主语时,谓语动词的单复数和of 后面的名词的单复数有关系。 Eg: Some of my classmates (go) to school by bike. Some of the water in the rivers (be) not clean. 2. The weather here is cool and cloudy, just for walking be just for 的用法:意为“恰好合适……” for 为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词。 The shoes just for Lily The book is just for you. He is just for (do) this work. 3. It’s hot in your country now, isn’t it? 此句为反义疑问句 反义疑问句是疑问句的一种,它对陈述部分的事实提出相反的疑问。两部分的人称及时态保持一致。 构成:“陈述句+附加疑问句”此结构又分为两种情况。 肯定的陈述句+否定的附加疑问句(前肯后否) Eg: It’s very hot today, it?(天很热,不是


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