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考试时间:2015年6月6日(13周周六) 各班具体时间、地点和名单安排将另行通知。 请各位老师每班安排1名学生做副考务,考试开始前5分钟到达考场。 另外,为了保证考试顺利进行,请通知上午第二场考试的学生提前20分钟到达(名单前20名学生)。 2013级的同学们: 外国语学院本学期继续举行英语IV口语考试,切实引导大家重视口语,提高英语应用能力。口语考试成绩将占期末考核总评成绩的15%。 考试题型为话题辩论,有的话题涉及本学期所学5个单元的主题,有的话题涉及日常生活或社会热点问题,要求考生2人一组围绕所抽到的话题展开辩论,时限3分钟,要求辩论对话不少于10个英语句子,否则严重影响成绩。每个话题下面有单词或表达等提示信息供大家参考。考官将按照评分标准判分。 按每个考场学生名单序号,考生在考务人员的安排下提前5分钟抽取题签,请在考场后一排座位处安静准备。考试前,考生需要向监考老师出示学生证和身份证。考完后将所抽题签交回抽签处,禁止对题签做任何标记或折叠。考完后请迅速、安静地离开考场。 为了保证考试顺利进行,请上午第二场考试的学生提前20分钟到达(名单前20名学生)。 以下为15个口语考试题签,请同学们认真准备。祝大家考试成功! 外国语学院大学外语第一教学部 2015年5月 Topic 1 About advertising Side A: Advertising can do more good than harm. useful in our life; compare prices when they are listed in ads; buy things at the lowest prices; TV commercials can be very entertaining; informative; a quick access to the products Side B: Advertising can do more harm than good. be misleading; make people buy goods on impulse; People will be easily swayed by ads featuring beautiful movie stars; probably lose their individuality Topic 2 Which one would you like to choose, better husband or better job? Side A: I would like to choose a better husband. happy marriage; easy life; be accustomed to; a woman behind the man; pay for Side B: I would like to choose a better job. luxury possessions; launch into; compete for; be able to; be independent of Topic 3 It’s good / not good for college students to have a part-time job. Side A: It’s good for college students to have a part-time job. learn much different knowledge; gain working experience; make students more confident; adopt themselves into the society early and make progress to their study as well Side B: It’s not good for college students to have a part-time job. fall behind others if they get the part-time job; spend too much time and energy on part-time job; inevitably lessen his time and energy for academic learning; interfere with their studies Topic 4 Shoul



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