江苏省2014届高考英语一轮复习单元演练(四) Unit1 Tales of the unexplained(译林牛津版必修2, ).doc

江苏省2014届高考英语一轮复习单元演练(四) Unit1 Tales of the unexplained(译林牛津版必修2, ).doc

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江苏省2014届高考英语一轮复习单元演练(四) Unit1 Tales of the unexplained(译林牛津版必修2, )

江苏省2014届高考英语一轮复习单元演练(四) Unit1 Tales of the unexplained Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. I can’t find my keys anywhere—they’ve completely (消失). 2. I (认为)that you knew each other because you went to the same school. 3. If any of these symptoms (发生) while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately. 4. It’s not likely to happen but I wouldn’t rule out the (可能性). 5. Is there any scientific (证据)that a person’s character is reflected in his handwriting? 6. We need to ensure that the teaching they receive is (适当的)to their needs. 7. They offer a 10 percent (折扣) on rail travel for students. 8. Moodie has been (授予) a golf scholarship at the University of Hawaii. 9. The government has come under (袭击)from all sides for cutting education spending. 10. It’s useless trying to (使相信) her that she doesn’t need to lose weight. Ⅱ. 翻译句子 1. 我看到孩子们在校园里玩耍。(see sb. doing) 2. 地板上是一堆堆的书、杂志和报纸。(用倒装句) 3. 她尽了最大努力,这是一个事实。(同位语从句) 4. 你准备好了吗?否则我就自己去了。(if not) 5. 据说他曾是个了不起的学者。(be said to. . . 据说) Ⅲ. 单项填空 1. Police in America have their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing three days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. A. stepped up B. broken up C. ruled out D. found out 2. When asked about the possibility _______ Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists, ‘Sometimes people make up such amazing stories. ’ A. what B. whether C. which D. that 3. In one case, a group of engineers ran after the creature, which moved with amazing speed and _______. A. ability B. energy C. strength D. force 4. Scientists are convinced _______ the positive effect of laughter _______ physical and mental health. A. of; at B. by; in C. of; on D. on; of 5. [苏州模拟]While our manager is away on business, our company will be Mr. Zhang. A. in the charge of B. in charge of C. taken charge of D. taking the charge of 6. [银川模拟]I’m sorry I can’t go to the Wanda cinema with you on weekends. I always Sundays for vi


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