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14-15学年牛津七年级下学期Unit4试题 Class: Name:    Marks: (满分100分) 一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) ( )1. — I remember that there is      crossing near here. Where is it? — Well,      crossing is behind us now. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the ( )2. — Excuse me, is there      post office near here? — No. But there is      on Tongji Street. A. the; one B. a; one C. the; it D. a; it ( )3. Xuzhou is      of Nanjing, so it is usually colder (更冷的) in winter. A. south B. north C. east D. west ( )4. There are four bridges      the Changjiang River in Nanjing. A. on B. in C. above D. over ( )5. — David, you can’t fly a kite by the lake. — Thanks. I won’t do that again. I know it is     . A. important B. interesting C. difficult D. dangerous ( )6. James goes to school by bus. I meet him every day when I walk      the bus stop. A. along B. across C. past D. around ( )7. It is going to rain soon. You      take an umbrella with you. A. will B. should C. has to D. would ( )8. I always dream of living in a house      some trees. A. between B. inside C. around D. among ( )9. I like to make faces (做鬼脸) to make my one-year-old cousin     . A. laugh B. laughs C. to laughing D. to laugh ( )10. — Do you think Tom can be a member of the Drawing Club? — We need to talk about it. Not      can be a member of us. A. somebody B. nobody C. everybody D. everything ( )11. — Must I wash my clothes today? — I am afraid you     . You should learn to do something by yourself. A. need B. have to C. can’t D. can ( )12. The baby panda is too young to look after himself. He is      following his mother. A. always B. seldom C. sometimes D. never ( )13. — Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum? —      along the road. The museum is beside that yellow building. A.


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