生态环境风险管理研究eco-environmental risk management.ppt

生态环境风险管理研究eco-environmental risk management.ppt

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生态环境风险管理研究eco-environmental risk management

中国环境风险管理体系现状 Current Status of Environmental Risk Management System in China 环境风险逐渐被纳入国家层面的决策体系中,但仍处于起步阶段。目前仍处于事件驱动型的环境风险管理模式阶段。 Environmental risk issues have been gradually incorporated into national decision- making system but is still at an early stage. It is still event-driven in many cases. 2005年松花江水污染事件促使了中国突发污染事件环境风险防范与应急能力得到了较大提升。 The Songhua River water pollution accident in 2005 led to improvements in accidental pollution prevention and emergency response capacity. 《重金属污染综合防治”十二五”规划》在一系列重金属污染事件爆发后制定出台。 After a series of heavy metal pollution incidents, China issued the 12th Five-year Plan of Comprehensive Heavy Metal Pollution Prevention. 2013年灰霾污染催生了《大气污染防治行动计划》。 Haze pollution in 2013 spurred the enactment of Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan. 主要国际经验 International Experiences The “White-Black Book” Unfinished Business (USEPA, 1987) The “Red Book” Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process (NRC, 1983) The “Blue Book” Science and Judgment in Risk Assessment (NRC, 1994) The “Orange Book” Understanding Risk: Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society (NRC, 1996) The “Silver Book” Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment (NRC, 2009) 环境风险管理的基础 Foundations of Environmental Risk Management 主要国际经验 International Experiences 欧美发达国家以及部分亚洲国家,已经建立了相对完善的、高效的环境风险管理体系 Countries in Europe and North America and parts of Asia have established relatively robust and efficient environmental risk management systems : 宏观层面的环境风险治理体系 —— 例如:美国的清洁空气法/环保署/食品药品管理局/职业安全与健康管理局;欧盟的REACH和Soveso指令;新加坡的风险办公室 Environmental risk governance systems at macro levels – US Clean Air Act/EPA/FDA/OSHA; EU REACH and Soveso directives; Singapore Risk Office 针对不同行业、不同风险类型的环境风险管理目标体系 Differentiated environmental risk management goals for different types of risks and for different industries 比较完善的环境风险管理支撑体系 —— 金融保障、经济工具、工业责任体系、风险信息披露 Relatively complete environmental risk enabling measures – financial security, economic instruments, i



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