新课标九年级英语unit1 sectionB.ppt

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新课标九年级英语unit1 sectionB

brain: The brain is one of the most important parts of the body. connect: Draw a line to connect these two points. overnight: Don’t expect to learn a new skill overnight. attention: It is important to pay attention in class. review: At the end of every day,I try to review the new words I learned that day. knowledge: The door to knowledge is study. ability: She is born with the ability to sing songs. active: My brother is active and enjoys sports. wisely: You wisely choose the better one. Ⅲ. 句型攻关 1. ——你是如何学习英语的? —__________ do you learn English? ——我通过看英语节目来学习。 —I learn__________ __________ English programs. 答案: How; by watching  2. ——你通过听磁带来改善你的发音吗? —Do you improve your pronunciation__________ __________ to tapes? ——是的。它对我的发音有很大帮助。 —Yes, I do. It__________ my pronunciation a lot. 答案: by listening; helps * Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section B(2a—2e) Ⅱ. 短语互译 1. 注意; 关注 pay__________ to 2. 取决于; 依赖 __________ on 3. 例如 __________ example 4. 感到厌烦 get________? 5. be interested in ______________ 答案: 1. attention 2. depend 3. for 4. bored 5. 对……感兴趣  6. connect. . . with ______________ 7. learn from ______________ 8. find out ______________ 9. be born with ______________ 答案: 6. 把……和……连接或联系起来 7. 从……中学习; 从……得到教益 8. 查明; 找出; 发现 9. 天生具有 How many habits of successful learners are mentioned in the passage? What are they? _________________________________________________ 答案: Four habits. Creating an interest in what they learn; Practicing and learning from mistakes; Developing their study skills; Asking questions. 1. pay attention to注意; 关注 【语境领悟】 *It is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. 对你来说也更容易对它长时间关注。 *You should pay attention to the pronunciation. 你应该注意发音。 *We must pay attention to protecting the earth. 我们一定要注意保护地球。 【自主归纳】   pay attention to意为“注意; 关注”, 其中to为介词, 后跟名词、代词或动


yaocen + 关注


